National Commission of Bulgaria for UNESCO was established by order of the Council of Ministers of 25 May 1956 and operates on the basis of the Decree ¹ 147 of 30.06.2004 and the Organizational Rules of the National Commission for UNESCO. International legal basis for activities of this committee is the Charter of National Commissions, adopted at the 20th General Conference of UNESCO.

National Commission of Bulgaria for UNESCO is composed of representatives of key ministries, departments and institutes involved in the programs of UNESCO, distinguished scholars, cultural figures and education. NC advise MS on UNESCO and decide major issues in the selection of Bulgarian projects in UNESCO.

Executive organs of the NC for UNESCO Bureau and Secretariat are.

Apart from official government institutions, NC for UNESCO is working actively with civil society, national and international NGOs in the realization of our country's participation in the program activities of UNESCO. Particularly useful are the contacts of the NC for UNESCO with NGOs in the field of culture and in communications. Secretariat of the National Committee for UNESCO has links with UNESCO Clubs in Sofia and Bulgaria.

Additional information can be found [here].

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