Opening of the bas-relief memorial Georgi Kitov
On September 14 (Tuesday) at 11.00 am at the Museum of the Thracian culture in the Eastern Rhodopes in the village of Alexandro, Haskovo, will open bas-relief of the famous archaeologist Georgi Kitov - member of the National Commission of Bulgaria for UNESCO.
Georgi Kitov was born on March 1, 1943 in Dupnitsa. Graduated high school in 1961 as leader of the graduates in the 10 SPU (First School for Boys) - Sofia. After graduating in history from Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski" (1966), specializes in art history in St. Petersburg, Russia (1974-1975). In 1966 he joined the Regional Museum of History in Dobrich, as curator of the City History Museum in the town of Kavarna and Cape Kaliakra archaeological site. from 1971 worked as a curator at the Archaeological Museum and Institute of Sciences - Sofia.
In the last quarter century, 20 has made many significant discoveries related to the culture of the Thracians. Among them are tombs in (Frog Mound) in Strelcha, religious complex heroon near the village of Starosel, the discovery of 673-gram gold mask of a Thracian ruler, the king's tomb in the mound Seuthes III Kosmatka near Shipka, and Alexander to the tomb Haskovo, decorated with unique frescoes from the middle of IV century BC. and many others.
Doctor of historical sciences from 1977 and senior research associate in 1990. President of the General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute and Museum of the Academy of Sciences (1992). From 1995 he taught as part-time professor at New Bulgarian University. Founder and leader of the (1972) of the archaeological expedition TEMP (ESDP before and STAGE). Member of the National Commission for UNESCO of the Republic of Bulgaria
Author of over 200 articles and a dozen studies on the history, archeology and religion of the Thracians.
Dr. Kitov died suddenly of a heart attack on September 14, 2008 during excavations in Starosel.
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