Culture Protection and Development Act

The Culture Protection and Development Act (CPDA) stipulates the basic principles and priorities of Bulgarian policy in the field of culture, cultural organizations and the bodies responsible for the protection of culture, its national identity and the means to support and fund cultural activities and creative artists, writers and performers. The basic principles underlying Bulgarian cultural policy are as follows:
1. the democratic character of cultural policy, freedom of the creative arts and non-admission of censorship;
2. decentralised management and funding of cultural activities;
3. equal status of all artists and cultural organisations;
4. safeguarding and enriching cultural and historical heritage and preserving Bulgarian literary language, traditions and customs;
5. protecting national cultural identity and the culture of the Bulgarian communities abroad;
6. encouraging cultural diversity while preserving the unity of Bulgarian national culture;
7. stimulating the culture industry, the art market and cultural film and television productions;
8. discovering, supporting and educating talented young people in the area of culture;
9. stimulating donations, patronage and sponsorship in the area of culture;
10. developing and improving education in art and culture.

This Act was promulgated in SG Issue 50 of 1/07/1999, amended SG Issue 1/2000

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